Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Walt Disney A World Without His Magic, Whimsy, And Optimism

Walt Disney December 5, 1901 ~ December 15, 1966 Try to imagine a world without Walt Disney. A world without his magic, whimsy, and optimism. Walt Disney transformed the entertainment industry, into what we know today. He pioneered the fields of animation, and found new ways to teach, and educate. Walt’s optimism came from his unique ability to see the entire picture. His views and visions, came from the fond memory of yesteryear, and persistence for the future. Walt loved history. As a result of this, he didn’t give technology to us piece by piece, he connected it to his ongoing mission of making life more enjoyable, and fun. Walt was our bridge from the past to the future. During his 43-year Hollywood career, which spanned the†¦show more content†¦At night, he took courses at the Chicago Art Institute. When Disney was 16, he dropped out of school to join the Army but was rejected for being underage. Instead, he joined the Red Cross and was sent to France for a year to drive an ambulance. Early Cartoons When Disney returned from France in 1919, he moved back to Kansas City to pursue a career as a newspaper artist. His brother Roy got him a job at the Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio, where he met cartoonist Ubbe Eert Iwwerks, better known as Ub Iwerks. From there, Disney worked at the Kansas City Film Ad Company, where he made commercials based on cutout animation. Around this time, Disney began experimenting with a camera, doing hand-drawn cel animation, and decided to open his own animation business. From the ad company, he recruited Fred Harman as his first employee. Walt and Harman made a deal with a local Kansas City theater to screen their cartoons, which they called Laugh-O-Grams. The cartoons were hugely popular, and Disney was able to acquire his own studio, upon which he bestowed the same name. Laugh-O-Gram hired a number of employees, including Harman s brother Hugh and Iwerks. They did a series of seven-minute fairy tales that combined both live action and animation, which they called Alice in Cartoonland. By 1923, however, the studio had become burdened with debt, and Disney was forced to declare bankruptcy. Disney and his brother Roy soon pooledShow MoreRelatedWalt Disney : A World Without His Magic, Whimsy, And Optimism1641 Words   |  7 Pages2016 Walt disney Try to imagine a world without Walt Disney. A world without his magic, whimsy, and optimism. Walt Disney changed the entertainment industry, into what we know today. He pioneered the fields of animation, and found new ways to teach, and educate. Walt disney was a person that had a great mind and was a better leader. Walt disney was a man that influenced the people minds to join and help during both of the World Wars. Walt disney was born December 5, 1901Read MoreThe Magic of Walt Disney 838 Words   |  3 Pagesimagine a world without Walt Disney . A world without his magic, whimsy, and optimism† (â€Å"Walt Disney, Biography†) Walt Disney created a company called, The Walt Disney Company which became significant with big inventions during the 1920-1930’s. It took hard work that mostly came from his imagination and dedication (â€Å"Walt Disney Biography†). The entertainment industry was changed and improved because he â€Å"†¦pioneered the fields of animation, and found new ways to teach, and educate† (â€Å"Walt Disney, Biography†)Read MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s If You Can Dream It902 Words   |  4 PagesWalt Disney, â€Å"If you can dream it, you can do it.† Who was he? Well he was an American business magnate, cartoonist, animator, voice actor, and film producer. He is also regarded as the culture icon, who shaped America’ s entertainment and animation industry. Walt Disney is the reason why my childhood was filled with happiness, because he created my favorite cartoon characters that I still love to watch to this day. To better understand who Walt Disney was I will be talking about problems that heRead MoreWalt Disney Biography Essay1172 Words   |  5 Pagesimagine a world without Walt Disney. A world without his magic, whimsy, and optimism..†(Brad A.) Well all know Walt Disney as the creator of Mickey Mouse and the man who made the first Disney movies and cartoons famous. Walt Disney did so much more than just make Mickey Mouse. He touched hearts and made a positive impact on so many people’s lives. He also made Disney famous around the world. Today there is Disney themed parks in Hong Kong, Paris, and Tokyo. Along with the famous Disney Land in CaliforniaRead MoreThe Walt Disney Company3626 Words   |  15 Pagesï » ¿ Behind the Scenes of Disney World by Erin Wood Advanced English III Mrs. Dawson 4 March 2014 Behind the Scenes of Disney World I. Introduction II. Walt Disney A. His Life B. The Dream III. Disney World’s ground A. Swamp lands B. Four theme parks 1. Magic Kingdom a. Main Street i. Underground tunnel ii. Walt’s hometown b. Frontier Land c. Fantasy Land d. Adventure Land e. Tomorrow Land 2. Hollywood Studios a. Old Hollywood b. Musicals/plays

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Interview Outline Free Essays

In life everyone has different think and behaviors usually do to how a person is raised during childhood, what they have seen during childhood, or it is inherited through genes that are passed on to them. I chose two people for my final paper, they happen to be a husband and wife, their names are Lela and Jerry Hyles, they have been married for ten years they have no children together but they have many step children, Lela is 40 and Jerry is 58, the wife is about eighteen years younger than her husband, They are both currently unemployed they are disabled to work. These people are my parents Lela is my mother and jerry is my step father but if I have to choose one I would rather speak to the wife instead of the husband because I have more contact with her than him the wife is not only my mother but she is my best friend. We will write a custom essay sample on Interview Outline or any similar topic only for you Order Now I made the decision of choosing both a male and female for my interview because men and women think a little differently in some situations, which I thought, might shed a little light on the difference between the two genders and their thinking. Interview Questions; 1. ) Does the interviewee prefer studying in a library, or at home where there are background noises and some distractions? 2. ) Has the person you are interviewing taken the Myers Briggs test? Report the results. 3. ) Does the interviewee think these results are accurate? Why or Why not? 4. ) Which experience does this person think contributed most in the development of his or her personality? 5. Does this person feel that he or she is self-monitoring in regards to his or her attitudes? How or how not? 6. ) What does the interviewee feel was the strongest influence on his or her attitude? 7. ) What role does your interviewee think a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play when forming that person’s personality and attitudes? 8. ) Does this person feel he or she is better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated? . ) The learning and memory process? 10. ) Does the interviewee remember information more accurately if he/she ob serves the behavior being performed? Yes I do have permission to speak to them on this paper. Also Instructor Michelle Hill I hope I done this assignment correctly. My reference: I got them from the questions from Appendix A that I will be asking to the interviewers. – Final Project Overview. How to cite Interview Outline, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Entre a Mi Mundo by Selena free essay sample

Enter My World of Cumbia Nearly twenty years since Selena’s departure, her style of Cumbia mixes remain in today’s culture, introduced in Entre a Mi Mundo, which debuted in ‘92, when Selena Quintanilla was nearly at the pinnacle of her career. Translating into Enter My World, the album features hit songs Las Cadenas (The Chains), ranchero mix La Carcacha (The Old Car), and the heart-wrenching ballad known as Selena’s trademark hit, Como la Flor (Like the Flower). Known as the first album of the singer’s that wasn’t titled â€Å"Selena y los Dinos.† Upon listening to the album, I was quite pleased with the emotion (something an english listener of spanish songs mainly look for) in ?Que Creias? (What You Think?), which even inspired me to shed a few tears. But, the first track disappointed me based off of emotion put into the performance, which I felt to be deceiving, thinking that it’s an upbeat, feel-good song, but when the lyrics are translated, depre ssing is the first thing to come to mind. We will write a custom essay sample on Entre a Mi Mundo by Selena or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I wonder why the tempo couldn’t slow just a taste, and why the delivery of the song doesn’t match the mood. I was relieved that none of the songs are straight up Tejano or Cumbia, with the annoying accordion and tuba accompanied by an acoustic guitar, which I feel epitomizes the stereo-type that all â€Å"Mexican music sound the same.† There is no song, as far as I can tell on this album, that sounds alike. Each song is infused with a style of a techno-pop synthesizer that reminds me of Madonna (Amame), and RB that complement the traditional Mariachi, Caribbean, Ranchero, and Cumbia. I despise the fact that nearly all ten tracks of songs on Entre a Mi Mundo have a basic one-two one-two beat that is continuous throughout the album. This continuous tapping of the drum caused my head to throb in sync with the tempo, and makes dancing very limited. There really is no way to not notice, especially if listening to the whole album in one sitting. Entre a Mi Mundo is w orthwhile to listen to, especially since the album came out during an influential time that opened doors for women to take part in Tejano, and become a part of variety. I believe that Selena was influential for many Latina women in the world, and her styles of music and performance show up even in today’s culture in artists like Shakira, and Jennifer Lopez. The constant variety kept me on my toes and swaying in my chair, disappointed and slightly melancholy when the last song played.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Pesticides Essays - Pesticides, Environmental Health, Biocides

Pesticides Pesticides effects on humans Pesticides are chemicals that make our produce perfect, and our yards free of pests. However, this perfection comes at a price to many different people. Pesticides are poisons with the sole purpose of killing. They are intended to kill weeds, insects and fungus. There are three types of pesticides called herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Every pesticide has an active ingredient, and an inert ingredient. The active ingredient is the poison that kills he pest, and the inert ingredient is the carrying, or spreading compound. (Honey pg. 2) Pesticides were once thought of as a miracle cure for hunger. They were supposed to keep crops free of pests, and misquitos under control. People were not aware of the dangers that these poisons possessed. DDT* was supposed to be a, benefactor for all humanity(Honey pg. 2). There were few regulations on the use of DDT use. It was even sprayed where children played. It was intended to kill misquitos, but it ended up poisoning, even killing people. (Honey pg.2) Elizabeth Rollings says that one of her teachers, Mrs. Keller, had a sister that died from DDT poisoning when Mrs. Keller was a child. People came to her house that sprayed the bushes with DDT to control misquitos, and when Mrs. Keller and her sister played near the bushes they were exposed to the deadly poison. Now a days the U.S. has seen the dangers that pesticides possess and banned many kinds from use in this country. However, the U.S. has yet to ban them from being made here and exported to foreign countries. In fact, 25 tons are exported every hour. (Honey pg. 1) There are three main problems with this: the regulations are very low in the places the U.S. exports to, many of the people in those places are unaware of the dangers, and the pesticides can return on the produce that the U.S. imports. A specific example of how unaware the people are is an incident in Costa Rica. The field workers in a sugar plantation were not told of the dangers of the pesticides that they applied, and they were not given any protective clothing. Many of them went shirtless, and in tennis shoes with no socks. They had used this pesticide for several days when many began to complain of headache and nausea; some began to vomit blood. One man died, but fortunately the problem was discovered in time to treat the rest of the workers before they died. Another of the problems that arise from pesticide exportation is getting it back in the produce we import from these countries. One third of the poison banned in the U.S. returns in what is being called the circle of poison, which is when pesticides that are exported and used on produce that return on the produce, back to the people it was being meant to keep away from. (Scanlan pg.1) To avoid this, many people are shopping at health food stores where pesticides have not been used on the food. There is a basic progression that occurs when the body is poisoned by a pesticide. First there is a biochemical inactivation of an enzyme. Next this biochemical change leads to cellular change. Then the cellular change causes symptoms of poisoning seen or felt in the particular organ where the enzyme that was deactivated was. All this changes a body's homeostasis*, and when homeostasis can not be maintained or restored, disease occurs. Most effects aren't permanent, but may take a long time to completely recover from. However, some do cause permanent damage. The damage of pesticide poisoning varies. It can effect just one particular organ system, or it can effect a number of organ systems.( GTI. Manifestations of Toxic Effects. pg 1) Another problem that pesticide poisoning possess is detection. A history of being exposed to chemicals can cause illness that can be hard to distinguish from a viral infection, such as the flu. One might go to long without treatment thinking they have a virus that they will eventually overcome, when in reality they have been poisoned by pesticides, which can lead to worse and worse damage over time. People who handle chemicals frequently in the course of

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Compare Contrast Apples And Oranges Essays

Compare Contrast Apples And Oranges Essays Compare Contrast Apples And Oranges Paper Compare Contrast Apples And Oranges Paper Another similarity can literally be found with in the fruits. Apples just like oranges are a great source for fiber, which is important for controlling blood sugar levels and colon health. Likewise the two have high levels of vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system. As well as being full of nutria meets, both fruits have great disinheriting factors, Apples contain antioxidants cal led flavorings, which may help lower the chance of developing diabetes and asthma. Oranges contain a photochemical called whispering, which may lower triglyceride De and blood cholesterol levels. ( Cannibalizing. Com/health/nutrition/top _ more_health why_pick s. PH p Ultimately what makes the pair so homogeneous is the fact that theyre two o f the most frequently eaten fruits on the planet. Despite all these similarities, apples and oranges can evidently be differentiate deed through multiple aspects. The most obvious of these would be the physical del preferences amidst the two: apples come in a v ariety of colors, from deep reds, to greens, to light yellows, while oranges come in several shades of well Orange! Apples have a thin eel with a usually crunchy interior, on the other hands oranges have thicker peels and a soft flesh. Being the only color of the spectrum whose name was taken from a fruit, the color orange evokes the taste of fruit bursting with juice, while also symbol liking energy, vitality, excitement, adventure, warmth, and good health. Apples are intrigue inning, in the sense that unlike oranges, the apple has quite extensive historical and biblical connotations to it. Apples appear In many religious traditions and text, often as a mystical forbidden fruit ( in reference to; the Garden of Eden). They are also featured frequently in fairy tales . A welkin example is Snow Who tie in which a poisonous apple puts Snow White into a deep slumber. Finally, we have learned that even something seemingly menial like two fruits can have an extensive contrast in the midst of both. Whether its their chemic al composition or even the apples extensive history in popular culture. Consensus entry, if something might seem incomparable at first always try looking at it from a did efferent angle, in addition think the next time you decide that something is

Friday, November 22, 2019

Lab#2 concrete mix design and compression tests Lab Report

#2 concrete mix design and compression tests - Lab Report Example Concrete quality control is an essential practice to ensure consistency in both the fresh and hardened concrete. Some of the laboratory methods used for concrete quality control include; slump test, compressive strength test and workability tests. The primary objective for this experimental study was to identify the characteristics exhibited by concrete materials and to familiarize with the commonly used laboratory specimen manufacturing and testing methods. In design and quality control of concrete, the most specified concrete property is strength. This can be attributed to the fact that testing methods available are relatively easy and furthermore; other concrete properties such as resistance to weathering and fire, elastic modulus, and impermeability are directly linked to strength. This means that having the strength data, then the other properties can be deduced. A good concrete mix should take into account the following key attributes: workability, consistency, strength, water cement ratio, durability, density, slump expected, and heat and chemical resistance. The relative proportions of concrete components, either by volume or weight, will closely influence its properties in both fresh and hardened state. The cement-water paste forms the active component in the concrete material, which is dependent on the characteristics of materials used and their relative proportions. The aggregates used must be well graded to minimize air voids in the concrete matrix. Generally, concrete mix designs are currently being over-designed for the fear of production of results that will not meet the minimum strength criteria specified by the engineer concerned. There is therefore need for analysis of concrete compressive strength variance and understanding of the criteria for proper concrete mix designs suitable for various applications. Concrete is a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

World Cup Security Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World Cup Security Plan - Essay Example That is an important issue because of the country’s poor security rating and, apart from the World Cup, the measures are expected to continue being beneficial afterward. With improved security, sporting tourists will be attracted by larger numbers and tickets will have more demand and that will directly impact on the economy. The already confirmed 600,000 visitors will stay in hotels for the duration of the tournament, bringing revenue to the tourism industry. Ideally, the hospitality, transport, private security and entertainment industries will gain financially for the duration of the tournament. At the same time, the sporting fraternity will earn direct revenue from hosting the tournament. At face value, spending $855 million on security for an event that will only last one month may seem impractical. However, evaluating the scenario reveals that the long term benefits actually equate the cost. With improved security, businesses will flourish and foreign investors will be i nterested in the country. From an economic point of view, it can be considered as spending money to secure future stability and, eventually, financial returns. However, the writer of the article seems to have given more focus on policing conflicts and the aspect of foreign threats at the expense of explaining how the country’s own citizens will be protected. Apart from the over half a million visitors expected, Brazil is a country known to be the home of soccer fanatics that may disrupt most of the proposed security measures.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Identify a researchable problem in long term care using practical Assignment

Identify a researchable problem in long term care using practical examples and citing from literature. The problem refers to whether a patient's DNR status should deny them emergency treatment - Assignment Example A DNR does not become an obstacle in the way of most medical treatments like dialysis, surgery, chemotherapy etc. However, any emergency procedure which would consist of intubation or CPR is not allowed and patients with DNR status are denied that. Though each state in the US has differing rules and regulations, both CPR and advanced life support are not performed if there is an explicit DNR request confirmed by law. It is considered important that â€Å"a full discussion of the DNR order should be undertaken† (Norman, 2010) before advancing to surgery. But the way things are done is different in the prehospital settings and in many US states, a DNR order is not followed during the period when a patient is being transferred to the hospital from the site of trauma. Prehospital medical personnel in such cases starts resuscitation measures and does not deny a patient proper cardiac life support based on intubation and CPR. In contrast to Canada and US where DNRs are respected in healthcare setups by doctors and nurses, it is claimed by a Jordanian medical student that there is no concept of DNRs in Jordan and rest of the Middle East and also the family is denied the right to observe resuscitation in the OR. It is always tr ied to save a patient’s life even if emergency measures taken antagonize the patient’s will (Yousef, cited in Jimenez, 2009). There are some conditions specified by the US law when a patient’s DNR status should not deny them emergency treatment. This is when, among other conditions, there is sufficient evidence suggesting cancellation of the DNR order. Also, when a patient him/herself wishes for resuscitative or emergency measures or he/she is not in a state to make a conscious decision and it is requested by a family member to initiate emergency procedures, the DNR form is ignored (New York Department of Health, 1999). However, if a patient shows a DNR personally or

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Economic freedom Essay Example for Free

Economic freedom Essay Does economic freedom help explain why the standard of living improves in some countries and declines in others? First of all we have to understand, what economic freedom is? Economic freedom according to William W. Beach and Tim Kane, PhD. â€Å" Economic freedom is that part of freedom that is concerned with the material autonomy of the individual in relation to the state and other organized groups. An individual is economically free who can fully control his or her labor and property. † (Taken from 2007 Index of economic freedom chapter no.3 by William W. Beach and Tim Kane, PhD). Or in simple words we can also say that everybody in his or her own country is said to be economically free, if their respective government protects their rights in every possible way and without any constraint. i.e. if an individual wants to learn anything, to do any kind of business or wants a job, then, he or she has a right to do that, while it is the responsibility of the government to make it convenient and possible for them. The first study of economic freedom was published in the year 1995, and it was improved over the years. There are about ten different types of economic freedoms, which are known as index of economic freedoms. The main purpose of defining these freedoms is to rank the countries in order to pave the way for foreign investment. Following is the list of ten economic freedoms: (taken from 2007 Index of economic freedom from chapter no.3 by William W Beach and Tim Kane, PhD). 1) Business freedom: To check the status of starting, operating and closing any business in how much time. 2) Trade freedom: To check the barriers and constraints in tariffs, import and export in the country. 3) Monetary freedom: To check the measure of price stability and how governments are controlling the prices, inflation etc. 4) Freedom from government: To check either state is providing public goods with minimum expenditure or not. 5) Fiscal freedom: To check the burden on the government with respect to revenue side. 6) Property rights: To check whether the public have keeping the private property rights, defined and secured by the laws, and are clearly defined by the government. 7) Investment freedom: To check whether the government deserves to have the foreign investment or not. 8) Financial freedom: To check the operation of financial institutions i.e. banking systems; are they out of government control or not. 9) Freedom from corruption: To check the status of corruption in the society, i.e. in the business system, judiciary, and administrative system in the country. 10) Labor freedom: To check the status of growth of labor and business either they are working without government interruption or not. (Taken from 2007 index of economic freedom from chapter no.3 by William W Beach and Tim Kane, PhD). Each one of the ten freedoms is measured on a 0-100 percent scale, 100 as the maximum freedom while 0 is the least or minimum freedom. The study of economic freedom was conducted on about 157 countries of the world. To show how it works, I choose two countries that are North Korea and South Korea. North Korea has a communist form of government and is ranked at no.157 in the index of 157 countries, its economy is 3% free. It has exports of $1.3 billion, it exports: minerals, metallurgical products, manufacturing (including armaments), textiles, fishery products etc. and imports of   $2.3 billion, it imports: petroleum, coking coal, machinery and equipment, textile grains etc. In communist form of government every asset in the country belongs to the state, therefore there is no business freedom i.e. 0 % (in 0-100 % scale) in N. Korea. Also government controls all the imports and exports so trade freedom i.e. 0 % is also nil. No data on income or corporate taxes is available so fiscal freedom i.e. 0 % is also zeroed. Also government owns all the property including businesses therefore freedom from government i.e. 0% is also nil. No publicly record of inflation data therefore monetary freedom i.e. 0% is also zero. Also no private financial sector, therefore financial freedom i.e. 0% is also nil. Wages and incentives are also controlled by government therefore labor freedom i.e. 0% is also nil, also corruption is heavily present in the country so corruption freedom i.e. 10% is also negligible, but there is some investment freedom i.e. 10%, after the opening of foreign investment zone in the far remote area of rajin sonberg where basic facilities are also not provided till date. The government does not cover property rights i.e. 10%, so they are also negligible.   (Taken from 2007 index of economic freedom from chapter no.5). While South Korea has democratic form of government and it is ranked at no.36 out of 157 in the index of economic freedom, and its economy is 68.6% free. S. Korea has export of $299.2 billion, it exports: semi conductors, wireless telecommunication, equipment, motor vehicles, computers, steel, ships and petrochemicals etc. It has imports of $269.8 billion, it imports: machinery, electronics, electronic equipment, oil, steel, transport, organic chemicals and plastics etc. As South Korea has democratic form of government, in that form, the government tries every possible effort to please its citizens, therefore starting, operating and closing the business in that country is relatively easy, there is a lot of business freedom i.e. 83.1% present in the country. S. Korea as compared to N. Korea has good trade freedom i.e. 64.2% present but there are some restrictions in its some activities like import, non-transparent regulations and standards etc. S. Korea has high income tax rate of about 38.5% and relatively low corporate tax of about 27.5%, so we can say that it has a good fiscal freedom i.e. 0-100 bracket it has about 81% free. After the foreign investment promotion act of Nov 1998 the government opens the doors to foreign investment in almost every sector except media, electric power and some agricultural sectors, and also residents and non residents can now holds foreign exchange accounts, so there is a lot of investment freedom i.e. about 70% free. The private property right i.e. 70% is secure by the government; corruption i.e. 50% is present at some extent in the country. The labor i.e. 57.7% market is working under restrictive employment regulations due to which employment and production growth rate is very low. Government interference in private sector is negligible, so freedom from government is 81.5%. The government regulates the prices in some sectors like agriculture, telecommunication and other utilities, which monetary freedom 79%, the government in retained some ownerships, second largest domestic bank is under them, which makes the financial freedom about 50% free. (Taken from 2007 index of economic freedom from chapter no.5).   In short economic freedom in South Korea is much superficial than North Korea, and it is mainly due to democratic and communism forms of governments, democratic people are enjoying the fruits of freedom while others do not.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Root of the Narcotics Problem in the United States :: essays research papers

THE ROOT OF THE NARCOTICS PROBLEM IN THE UNITED STATES The United States is suffering from an epidemic caused by the use of drugs. The majority of criminals in the prison system are convicted on drug charges, and the majority of the population has been exposed to at least one type of illegal substance. The main problem that the United States faces in the War on Drugs is the lack of education to the citizens on the dangers that the drug trade poses to the individual and the mass population.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American child is bombarded by scenes on the television that depict the glamour of the drug world; the way that drugs make people feel good and the easy money that can be made are only a couple of examples that are presented on television. The movie and television industry make millions of dollars every year with episodes of drug lords that are victims of law enforcement and are many times made out to be the â€Å"good guy†. This type of open media, which may seem harmless to an adult, gives the child the opinion that drugs are all right.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Without proper instruction beginning at the earliest of ages, the child grows up thinking that drugs are harmless and this increases the risk of curiosity. The Department of Education mandates classes on math, reading, and science but there is no set curriculum to teach the American child about the dangers of drugs. In order to best arm children about the drug problem that will be faced in the near future, there needs to be a set standard for all students to learn about drugs and the damage that is produced from the use of the illegal substances.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The damages that drugs cause does not just stop at the individual and more often than not, the users are actually responsible for greater criminal offenses. The person that is using drugs, even if only social or experimental, is supporting a crime spree that is taking away the life of the â€Å"American Dream†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American child will grow up and move into adulthood keeping the same idea that drugs are harmless, and this is why the drug world is tolerated and sometimes overlooked by the common citizen. Given enough education about the real dangers of the drug activity, the average American will make correct choices about the illegal activities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On September 11 many American citizens were outraged and wanted to know what could be done about the War on Terrorism. The Root of the Narcotics Problem in the United States :: essays research papers THE ROOT OF THE NARCOTICS PROBLEM IN THE UNITED STATES The United States is suffering from an epidemic caused by the use of drugs. The majority of criminals in the prison system are convicted on drug charges, and the majority of the population has been exposed to at least one type of illegal substance. The main problem that the United States faces in the War on Drugs is the lack of education to the citizens on the dangers that the drug trade poses to the individual and the mass population.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American child is bombarded by scenes on the television that depict the glamour of the drug world; the way that drugs make people feel good and the easy money that can be made are only a couple of examples that are presented on television. The movie and television industry make millions of dollars every year with episodes of drug lords that are victims of law enforcement and are many times made out to be the â€Å"good guy†. This type of open media, which may seem harmless to an adult, gives the child the opinion that drugs are all right.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Without proper instruction beginning at the earliest of ages, the child grows up thinking that drugs are harmless and this increases the risk of curiosity. The Department of Education mandates classes on math, reading, and science but there is no set curriculum to teach the American child about the dangers of drugs. In order to best arm children about the drug problem that will be faced in the near future, there needs to be a set standard for all students to learn about drugs and the damage that is produced from the use of the illegal substances.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The damages that drugs cause does not just stop at the individual and more often than not, the users are actually responsible for greater criminal offenses. The person that is using drugs, even if only social or experimental, is supporting a crime spree that is taking away the life of the â€Å"American Dream†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The American child will grow up and move into adulthood keeping the same idea that drugs are harmless, and this is why the drug world is tolerated and sometimes overlooked by the common citizen. Given enough education about the real dangers of the drug activity, the average American will make correct choices about the illegal activities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On September 11 many American citizens were outraged and wanted to know what could be done about the War on Terrorism.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Water issues in the Middle East

There are several factors that have caused such high demand in the Middle East. The water level is a lot shorter than most places and is increasing all the time. The region suffers from droughts every few years. The development of water resources is not making any progress factors such as cost, dealing with neighbouring countries which all delay the progress. Farming results in the highest level of water consuming at 80% leaving 20% for the Middle East. Cities such as Amman in Jordan ration its piped supplies; tankers deport the water which costs more than the poor can pay. The level of population growth is also increasing, which results in rising standards of living increasing the demand of water. The regions water is constantly in dispute. The regions water is spilt which results in confrontation and disagreements. ‘Water Wars' are improbable as three of the disputed river basins due to the uneven military powers are not equal. Egypt and Israel are downstream, Turkey is upstream and Iraq and Syria are also downstream. MAP SHOWING THE ROUTE OF THE EUPHRATES RIVER The Turkish purpose to use the water for an irrigation project in south-eastern Anatolia, this project will result in Syria's and Iraq's share of the Euphrates by 40% and 60%. This scheme is planned to revitalise the economy of the south east of the country. Eventually 22 dams in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers will provide irrigation and hydroelectric power to transform the local economy. They hope to gain the support from European companies, but in 2002 companies where forced to withdraw from the project, nevertheless Turkey has still continued to develop the dam. The dam will provide a clear positive outcome to the Middle East region. The water will be stored in the dam reducing the water flow, gradually allowing water through to the areas. The dam will provide jobs to the local community; this development will help the poorer citizens. Long term profit and economical issues may increase over the years as its helping the future for the water problems in the Middle East. Migrants will move into the area which may vary to a positive or negative outcome. The dam's main function is to provide hydro-electric power, which is more environmentally friendly. This will provide electricity to communities located around the Middle East. The energy provided is eco friendly and is reliable without using precious fossil fuels. With the new dam created larger business may move into the area, providing primary products to be distributed to other countries. This may provide more business to trade with the countries, developing the countries economical distributions. Although smaller business may lose money and go out of business resulting unemployment. The land used to create the dam, has resulted in angry local people. The local people have now received compensation funds. The amount of money put into the dam has been lost to local people, especially the few powerful landlords who each stand to collect huge compensation funds. Changes in rivers cycles will be vastly effected, rivers will lose millions of mà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ of water being irrigated into cities located downstream from the upstream contributories. The Agriculture use dropped in all the area's creating a regional water market resulting for people paying for the water use. One example is the Yarmouk River which has a mean discharge of 400 million mà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ a year, and provides almost half of Jordan's surface-water resources. The water in this river, after allowing some 17million mà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ a yr for downstream users in the neighbouring countries providing agricultural water needs in the Jordan valley. This example has improved in the water use; this is similar situation to other rivers in the Middle East. Discharge is evenly distributed but resulted in higher levels of Agriculture. Area's downstream have resulted in less water being transported and reduced. Syria dam prevents water flowing restricting water flow to places such as Baghdad. Syria and Iraq have agreed to work together, after problems with bombing back in 1979. The political consequences have resulted in countries signing with each other separating themselves which could lead to future wars. Water extraction from the Euphrates has resulted in the government gaining a profit for charging them for the use of the water. This has also lead to the negative sentiment and response from the poorer citizens. Escalating growth of rising business increasing in the regions resulted in higher proceeds in the area. The government had to make a decision and verdict to their own areas to what they felt was overall best towards the people and for the future. Reponses won't be positive either way but never less the decision were what was felt most paramount and preeminent at the time.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Civil Disobedience Essay

Based on the writings of Henry David Thoreau it is very relevant that he is very opposed to government involvement of any kind. He doesn’t believe that the government should be involved in everyday life. Thoreau doesn’t understand the point of having a government system that will be useful to everyone and not just a select few. Thoreau proceeds to explain his many reasons as to why the â€Å"government is best [when it] governs [the] least.† He thought people should stand up to the very ones that made society so corrupt and weak. Thoreau believes the government puts personal selfish interests on a pedestal. Thoreau’s opening statement set the tone for his entire essay. He begins his essay by saying that the government, so far, has rarely proven to be useful. He believes that the power the government has derived from the majority rather than the few. This is mainly because the majority is the strongest group not because their viewpoint is right but because they have many in numbers. He then continues to express the fact that many people do what they believe is right and not to just follow the law created by the majority. He insists that people should do away with the law all together when the legal system becomes unjust. Thoreau then states that the United States is a perfect example of an unjust government. He believes that is because of the fact that they have shown support of slavery and they have participated in the practice of aggressive war. In regards to a man following his first obligation, Thoreau believes that a man isn’t obligated to get rid of the evils of the world, but he is obligated not to take part in these evils. This means that no man should feel the need to participate in an unruly government if he does not choose to do so. Thoreau asks, â€Å"Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? I think we should be men first, and subjects afterward.† He is basically stating that it is far more important to develop respect for what is right, rather than a respect for law. Thoreau sets a very powerful and aggressive tone by choosing to open his essay this way. Thoreau doesn’t see the effectiveness of reform within the US government. Thus, he wants his readers to feel the same way. He then says that he is convinced that petitioning and voting for change achieves very little. Thoreau uses a wide variety of examples, some personal, that depict the unjust system that he discusses. By using his own personal experiences, he is allowing the reader to fully understand everything he is trying to depict. He speaks on the fact that during a protest against slavery, he refused to pay the taxes that were issued to him. Because of his refusal to pay the taxes, he spent the night in jail. But, overall his thoughts and opinions dissociated him from the government because he chose not to participate in its institutions. He then states that one can’t see the government for what it really is because one is still working within it. And, in this way they believe that everything is justified because they are a part of the strong majority. He feels that having too much respect for law causes people to do wild things. For example, he believes that the government has turned soldiers into machines for their own personal use making them a shadow of what is real. Thoreau is very passionate and honest about everything that he says. He wants the reader to know exactly where in his heart these words are coming from. He never uses a harsh syntax or diction when writing because he doesn’t want to sound angry. Throughout his essay, Thoreau uses an intense appeal to pathos. He mostly uses pathos when he describes a conversation with his cell mate. Thoreau asks his fellow prisoner what he got put in jail for and the man replied saying, â€Å"they accuse me of burning a barn; but I never done it.† Thoreau does this to appeal to the emotion of his readers by showing them that what the government does isn’t fair. He also shows this when he says that he has been waiting 3 months for his trial, and he will probably have to wait another 3 months before he actually gets his trial. Thoreau describes the conversation to paint a picture in the minds of his readers, of an innocent man that had to wait a half a year to attempt to prove innocence. The fact that this innocent man was spending his waiting time in jail, draws a lot of sympathy from his readers. Thoreau also uses a great deal of imagery in this essay. When describing his  jail cell, he used â€Å"the rooms were white†¦washed once a month†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He was doing this to show his audience that his punishment really wasn’t as bad as most people thought it would be. Thoreau even said that he viewed his cell almost as if it were an apartment, and the jail house, a city. This supports his idea that jail technically isn’t a punishment for those in it. Thoreau, here, is trying to persuade the readers to stand together and revolt against the government because it is their duty to do so. He then goes on to say that neither him, nor his cell mate pose any real threat to society. This makes the reader question his place in jail. If he really wasn’t a threat, then why was he locked up? Thoreau is very opinionated about his very broad views of the government. He believes that the government has only lasted this long because people refuse to execute their own will. And, until this happens, no changes will ever be made. Thoreau wishes for a society in which man makes decisions of his own mind and not the mind of those that are trying to suppress the truth. In some aspects Thoreau is right. Some current laws are not honorable. Overall, Thoreau just wants to conform to the laws set in place, but he feels that that phenomenon won’t happen. In his essay, Thoreau makes it very clear of his idea that â€Å"government is best [when it] governs [the] least.† He uses many rhetorical strategies such as imagery, symbolism and pathos as an effort to persuade the readers that the best kind of government is one of laissez-faire. His main ideas were present in his writing. He wanted to show people that a hands-off government is not the best thing for everyone. Because if he was thrown in jail for one night due to the fact he didn’t pay poll tax for six years, then why don’t people step up and revolt against the government? He wanted the reader to feel empowered by his words so that there could truly be a change in government policies.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

ATOM PRIOR TO 1900 essays

ATOM PRIOR TO 1900 essays In the 5th cent. B.C. the Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus proposed that matter was made up of tiny, indivisible particles they called atom, or in Greek "a-tomos". The reason why they assumed this is because nothing can come from nothing. Democritus believed that all atoms were firm and solid, but they could not all be the same. If all atoms were identical, there would be no satisfactory explanation of how they could combine to form everything in different shapes. Democritus concluded atom with these ideal qualities: invisible because of their extremely small size indivisible as their name indicates eternal because they are perfect surrounded by an empty space (to explain their movement and changes in density) having an infinite number of shapes (to explain the diversity observed in nature) Around 1803, John Dalton (1766-1844) developed the first useful atomic theory of matter. In the course of his studies on meteorology, Dalton concluded that evaporated water exists in air as an independent gas. Solid bodies can't occupy the same space at the same time, but obviously water and air could. Dalton reasoned that if the water and air were composed of discrete particles, evaporation might be viewed as a mixing of water particles with air particles. He performed a series of experiments on mixtures of gases to determine what effect properties of the individual gases had on the properties of the mixture as a whole. While trying to explain the results of those experiments, Dalton developed the hypothesis that the sizes of the particles making up different gases must be different. In 1808 Dalton's A New System of Chemical Philosophy was published. In this book he listed the atomic weights of a number of known elements relative to the weight of hydrogen. His weights were not ent irely accurate but they form the ba ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Event planning for Asian Market Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Event planning for Asian Market - Research Paper Example In order to promote themselves, several industries, charitable organizations and interests groups have resorted to holding events. This measure is also adopted by those who desire to reinforce business associations, raise money or just celebrate (slideshare, 2013). The Legendary Palace is a Chinese dim sum restaurant. It has the capacity to accommodate 500 members at a time. Prior to become a restaurant, it had been used as a night club, garment factory, book store and rooming house. The Legendary Palace is located in the bay area of California. It was constructed in 1917 and it has become a historical land mark of that place. Hospitality services tend to be intricate. They fulfil social affiliation and self-identity needs, and generate vast opportunities for differentiation. Several products are simple and necessitate performance to a technical norm. As such event management is a novel procedure that requires creativity and innovation.The customer should feel happy and comfortable, during these events. As such, customer satisfaction should be highest priority of event management. In general, there will be no issues for a land mark hotel like the Legendary Palace, with regard to conducting a wedding on a grand scale. However, due to competition, this hotel has to adopt novel practices and procedures to make it a memorable occasion for the Asian customers. This research will identify the problems if any, with the management of a wedding event in the Legendary Palace. Finally recommendations will be provided for the improvement of procedures of the wedding event for Asian customers. I have made a thorough research with regard to the event management of s wedding in a land mark hotel, such as the Legendary Palace. To this end, I perused many books and articles for retrieving the necessary information. I have consulted online libraries for the extant literature on the topic. Moreover, I have

Saturday, November 2, 2019

American Government Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Government - Research Paper Example (US Constitution) When the U.S. Constitution was newly formulated, many of its opponents argued that the federal government had too much authority which could be used illegally. Therefore to avoid this, it was demanded that a bill should be formulated to protect the rights of the general people. As a result, the Bill of Rights was proposed on September 25, 1789 which contained 10 amendments that referred to the protection of rights of individuals. (Archives) The first amendment of the Bill of Rights was related to the free practice of religion and freedom of speech. It says that the Congress is not permitted to make any laws which affect the freedom of practice of any religion and that all the religions in the United States are to be respected. It also states that the existence of freedom of speech and media are to be maintained and that people have the right to protest peacefully. (Cornell University Law School) The purpose of this amendment is to ensure that the democratic power of the United Nations is maintained and that people have the basic right to live freely and do whatever they want, given that it does not hurt someone else. People need to have the freedom to express themselves and practice their religion, and only then will the society develop as a whole. It is necessary for all who stand in the religious minority so that their issues are addressed equally to all the religion in the nation and well as all the ethical groups who want to have their voices heard. This amendment gives them a chance to submit a petition and protest peacefully if they think a certain action or law is affecting them unfairly. A person who has been accused of protesting against a policy of government can benefit from this amendment since it gives him/her the legal right to protest given that it is a peaceful one. The law enforcement needs to keep in mind that they do not violate the right given to them by