Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Walt Disney A World Without His Magic, Whimsy, And Optimism

Walt Disney December 5, 1901 ~ December 15, 1966 Try to imagine a world without Walt Disney. A world without his magic, whimsy, and optimism. Walt Disney transformed the entertainment industry, into what we know today. He pioneered the fields of animation, and found new ways to teach, and educate. Walt’s optimism came from his unique ability to see the entire picture. His views and visions, came from the fond memory of yesteryear, and persistence for the future. Walt loved history. As a result of this, he didn’t give technology to us piece by piece, he connected it to his ongoing mission of making life more enjoyable, and fun. Walt was our bridge from the past to the future. During his 43-year Hollywood career, which spanned the†¦show more content†¦At night, he took courses at the Chicago Art Institute. When Disney was 16, he dropped out of school to join the Army but was rejected for being underage. Instead, he joined the Red Cross and was sent to France for a year to drive an ambulance. Early Cartoons When Disney returned from France in 1919, he moved back to Kansas City to pursue a career as a newspaper artist. His brother Roy got him a job at the Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio, where he met cartoonist Ubbe Eert Iwwerks, better known as Ub Iwerks. From there, Disney worked at the Kansas City Film Ad Company, where he made commercials based on cutout animation. Around this time, Disney began experimenting with a camera, doing hand-drawn cel animation, and decided to open his own animation business. From the ad company, he recruited Fred Harman as his first employee. Walt and Harman made a deal with a local Kansas City theater to screen their cartoons, which they called Laugh-O-Grams. The cartoons were hugely popular, and Disney was able to acquire his own studio, upon which he bestowed the same name. Laugh-O-Gram hired a number of employees, including Harman s brother Hugh and Iwerks. They did a series of seven-minute fairy tales that combined both live action and animation, which they called Alice in Cartoonland. By 1923, however, the studio had become burdened with debt, and Disney was forced to declare bankruptcy. Disney and his brother Roy soon pooledShow MoreRelatedWalt Disney : A World Without His Magic, Whimsy, And Optimism1641 Words   |  7 Pages2016 Walt disney Try to imagine a world without Walt Disney. A world without his magic, whimsy, and optimism. Walt Disney changed the entertainment industry, into what we know today. He pioneered the fields of animation, and found new ways to teach, and educate. Walt disney was a person that had a great mind and was a better leader. Walt disney was a man that influenced the people minds to join and help during both of the World Wars. Walt disney was born December 5, 1901Read MoreThe Magic of Walt Disney 838 Words   |  3 Pagesimagine a world without Walt Disney . A world without his magic, whimsy, and optimism† (â€Å"Walt Disney, Biography†) Walt Disney created a company called, The Walt Disney Company which became significant with big inventions during the 1920-1930’s. It took hard work that mostly came from his imagination and dedication (â€Å"Walt Disney Biography†). The entertainment industry was changed and improved because he â€Å"†¦pioneered the fields of animation, and found new ways to teach, and educate† (â€Å"Walt Disney, Biography†)Read MoreAnalysis Of Walt Disney s If You Can Dream It902 Words   |  4 PagesWalt Disney, â€Å"If you can dream it, you can do it.† Who was he? Well he was an American business magnate, cartoonist, animator, voice actor, and film producer. He is also regarded as the culture icon, who shaped America’ s entertainment and animation industry. Walt Disney is the reason why my childhood was filled with happiness, because he created my favorite cartoon characters that I still love to watch to this day. To better understand who Walt Disney was I will be talking about problems that heRead MoreWalt Disney Biography Essay1172 Words   |  5 Pagesimagine a world without Walt Disney. A world without his magic, whimsy, and optimism..†(Brad A.) Well all know Walt Disney as the creator of Mickey Mouse and the man who made the first Disney movies and cartoons famous. Walt Disney did so much more than just make Mickey Mouse. He touched hearts and made a positive impact on so many people’s lives. He also made Disney famous around the world. Today there is Disney themed parks in Hong Kong, Paris, and Tokyo. Along with the famous Disney Land in CaliforniaRead MoreThe Walt Disney Company3626 Words   |  15 Pagesï » ¿ Behind the Scenes of Disney World by Erin Wood Advanced English III Mrs. Dawson 4 March 2014 Behind the Scenes of Disney World I. Introduction II. Walt Disney A. His Life B. The Dream III. Disney World’s ground A. Swamp lands B. Four theme parks 1. Magic Kingdom a. Main Street i. Underground tunnel ii. Walt’s hometown b. Frontier Land c. Fantasy Land d. Adventure Land e. Tomorrow Land 2. Hollywood Studios a. Old Hollywood b. Musicals/plays

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Interview Outline Free Essays

In life everyone has different think and behaviors usually do to how a person is raised during childhood, what they have seen during childhood, or it is inherited through genes that are passed on to them. I chose two people for my final paper, they happen to be a husband and wife, their names are Lela and Jerry Hyles, they have been married for ten years they have no children together but they have many step children, Lela is 40 and Jerry is 58, the wife is about eighteen years younger than her husband, They are both currently unemployed they are disabled to work. These people are my parents Lela is my mother and jerry is my step father but if I have to choose one I would rather speak to the wife instead of the husband because I have more contact with her than him the wife is not only my mother but she is my best friend. We will write a custom essay sample on Interview Outline or any similar topic only for you Order Now I made the decision of choosing both a male and female for my interview because men and women think a little differently in some situations, which I thought, might shed a little light on the difference between the two genders and their thinking. Interview Questions; 1. ) Does the interviewee prefer studying in a library, or at home where there are background noises and some distractions? 2. ) Has the person you are interviewing taken the Myers Briggs test? Report the results. 3. ) Does the interviewee think these results are accurate? Why or Why not? 4. ) Which experience does this person think contributed most in the development of his or her personality? 5. Does this person feel that he or she is self-monitoring in regards to his or her attitudes? How or how not? 6. ) What does the interviewee feel was the strongest influence on his or her attitude? 7. ) What role does your interviewee think a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play when forming that person’s personality and attitudes? 8. ) Does this person feel he or she is better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated? . ) The learning and memory process? 10. ) Does the interviewee remember information more accurately if he/she ob serves the behavior being performed? Yes I do have permission to speak to them on this paper. Also Instructor Michelle Hill I hope I done this assignment correctly. My reference: I got them from the questions from Appendix A that I will be asking to the interviewers. – Final Project Overview. How to cite Interview Outline, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Entre a Mi Mundo by Selena free essay sample

Enter My World of Cumbia Nearly twenty years since Selena’s departure, her style of Cumbia mixes remain in today’s culture, introduced in Entre a Mi Mundo, which debuted in ‘92, when Selena Quintanilla was nearly at the pinnacle of her career. Translating into Enter My World, the album features hit songs Las Cadenas (The Chains), ranchero mix La Carcacha (The Old Car), and the heart-wrenching ballad known as Selena’s trademark hit, Como la Flor (Like the Flower). Known as the first album of the singer’s that wasn’t titled â€Å"Selena y los Dinos.† Upon listening to the album, I was quite pleased with the emotion (something an english listener of spanish songs mainly look for) in ?Que Creias? (What You Think?), which even inspired me to shed a few tears. But, the first track disappointed me based off of emotion put into the performance, which I felt to be deceiving, thinking that it’s an upbeat, feel-good song, but when the lyrics are translated, depre ssing is the first thing to come to mind. We will write a custom essay sample on Entre a Mi Mundo by Selena or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I wonder why the tempo couldn’t slow just a taste, and why the delivery of the song doesn’t match the mood. I was relieved that none of the songs are straight up Tejano or Cumbia, with the annoying accordion and tuba accompanied by an acoustic guitar, which I feel epitomizes the stereo-type that all â€Å"Mexican music sound the same.† There is no song, as far as I can tell on this album, that sounds alike. Each song is infused with a style of a techno-pop synthesizer that reminds me of Madonna (Amame), and RB that complement the traditional Mariachi, Caribbean, Ranchero, and Cumbia. I despise the fact that nearly all ten tracks of songs on Entre a Mi Mundo have a basic one-two one-two beat that is continuous throughout the album. This continuous tapping of the drum caused my head to throb in sync with the tempo, and makes dancing very limited. There really is no way to not notice, especially if listening to the whole album in one sitting. Entre a Mi Mundo is w orthwhile to listen to, especially since the album came out during an influential time that opened doors for women to take part in Tejano, and become a part of variety. I believe that Selena was influential for many Latina women in the world, and her styles of music and performance show up even in today’s culture in artists like Shakira, and Jennifer Lopez. The constant variety kept me on my toes and swaying in my chair, disappointed and slightly melancholy when the last song played.