Thursday, January 9, 2020

Where does Hitlers Hate Come From - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 474 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/07 Category People Essay Level High school Topics: Adolf Hitler Essay Did you like this example? WWII, was one of the worst events to happen in all of human history, Adolf Hitler was the reason for the counted death toll of six million jews. But, why? where was all of Hitlers hatred coming from? And When did it start? A mysterious question that nobody couldnt clearly answer, but from certain events in Adolfs timeline, we can conclude that question in a variety of theories from historians and investigators far and wide. The Physician, with a dose of Vengeance? If Hitler got his hatred for a whole race, couldve that happen from a encounter with a jewish person? Meet Dr. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Where does Hitlers Hate Come From?" essay for you Create order Bloch. Dr. Bloch was a jewish physician who actually, took care of Adolf Hitlers Mother, Klara Hitler. Dr. Bloch really cared for Klara Hitler and her family, since she was diagnosed with breast cancer, Dr. Bloch took care of her for months. Dr. Bloch attempted to cure her with a experimental medication for a long time. but, the medication never cured her, but actually left her in excruciating pain. In the essay Why Did Adolf Hitler Hate the Jews? By David D. Green, it states Certainly at the conscious level, Hitler did not hold Bloch responsible for his mothers suffering. After her death, he actually wrote to Dr. Bloch thanking him for his devoted care. Three decades later, in post-Anschluss Austria in 1938, when Bloch wrote to the chancellor asking for help, Hitler arranged for him to be spared the harsh measures being taken against Jews until he could make arrangements to emigrate to the United States, where he died in 1945. so this means that Hitler couldve hated the jews because of this. But logically it really wouldnt make sense because of how he treated Dr. Bloch after her deat h. WWI, Was the reason to blame? After WWI, Adolf Hitler changed his views on many things after the Germanys lost in the war. The german soldiers didnt want to accept failure, in the essay Why did Hitler hate the Jews?, By Anne Frank House, it states like many other German soldiers â€Å" found it hard to accept the defeat of the German Empire. Many nationalists and conservatives believed that Germany had not lost the war on the battlefield but due to betrayal stating that, they belived that they were stabbed in the back by the communists, and the, of course. The jews, it states by a stab in the back. Socialists, communists and particularly Jews were blamed, even though more than 100,000 German and Austrian Jews had served in the war and 12,000 had been killed this is very good evidence for a theory. For this is indeed very reasonable for a theory. So in conclusion, we cant really see a full answer for any of his reasonings. But theres only so much we can learn about him and his past because of these theories.

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